Mark Nunes earned his interdisciplinary Ph.D. in the Culture, History, and Theory program of Emory University's Graduate Institute of the Liberal Arts. He also holds a Master of Arts Degree in English from the University of Virginia, and a Master of Arts in Psychology from Columbia University. His ongoing research focuses on the cultural impact of new media on contemporary society.
Dr. Nunes is author of Cyberspaces of Everyday Life (Minnesota, 2006), which explores how the Internet restructures our everyday experience of the public and the private, and the local and the global. He is also editor of and contributing author for a collection of essays entitled Error: Glitch, Noise, and Jam in New Media Cultures (Continuum, 2011), which examines how the concepts of "noise" and "error" structure modes of cultural resistance in a network society. He has written a number of articles in the field of new media studies, including:
"The Affordances of Place: Digital Agency and the Lived Spaces of Information," Media Theory 3.1 (2019)
"Ways of Unseeing: Crowdsourcing the Frame in Roger May's Looking at Appalachia," Southern Spaces (2017)
"Ecstatic Updates: Facebook, Identity, and the Fractal Subject" in New Visualities, New Technologies (Ashgate, 2013)
"Abusing the Media: Viral Validity in a Republic of Spam." in Transgression 2.0 (Continuum, 2012)
"Distributed Terror and the Ordering of Networked Social Space," M/C Journal 7.6 (January 2005)
"Baudrillard in Cyberspace: Internet, Virtuality, and Postmodernity," Style 29 (1995).

Title: Professor
Department: Department of Interdisciplinary Studies
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-3178